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  1. What is RETN?
Response: RETN is a Cryptocurrency for rewards.
  1. What can I do with RETN?
Response: You can Send RETN from your current wallet to ERC20 wallets, Convert to Fiat, use RETN to purchase goods via integrated Crypto POS systems (Coming soon), or Withdraw cash from a Crypto ATM (Coming soon).
  1. How do I sign up to RETN?
Response: Click this link and signup. As soon as you sign up to RETN Deals, you will receive an email, Verify and Start using it.
  1. I have signed up but not received an email for verification? What do I do?
Response: if you have enabled Bitbounce on your email, add [email protected] to your Whitelist to receive emails from us.
  1. What is the Sign-up bonus?
Response: Every Sign up will receive INR 250 (~9 RETN).
  1. Can I Refer a Friend? What is the referral bonus?
Response: Yes you can refer, your referral will receive signup bonus (INR 250) and you will receive a referral bonus of INR 100 will be added to your account.
  1. Do I need to create a wallet address or I can connect my existing ERC 20 address?
Response: Yes, from the dashboard, you need to create RETN wallet and redeem cashback to your RETN wallet. You can then send RETN from current RETN wallet to any ERC 20 wallet address. Send feature will be available soon.
  1. When do I receive my referral bonus? Is it immediately?
Response: You can see all your referral amount in the pending stage as soon as your referral signs up and activate the RETN deals account. All references are validated by admin and approved after a day.
  1. Will cashback credit in INR?
Response: Cashback will be transferred to your “RETN wallet” in RETN.
  1. What is the current value of RETN?
Response: 1 RETN=0.00083085 ETH (approximately INR 33)
  1. What is the limit to redeem cash back into my wallet?
Response: Your account should have a minimum of INR 2500 to redeem the cashback. (you will receive approximately 90 RETN to your RETN wallet)
  1. What is the minimum amount which can be redeemed?
Response: You can place a minimum of INR 1250 redeem order.
  1. Do I need to verify my mobile number?
Response: Yes, in order to redeem your cashback you need to verify your mobile number. Click verify to get OTP.
  1. Do I need to Complete KYC Process in order to redeem my cashback?
Response: Yes, KYC is mandatory. 
15. What is photo identity?
Response: As per wiki, photo identity is an identity document that includes a photograph of the holder, usually only his or her face. The most commonly accepted forms of photo ID are those issued by government authorities, such as Driver's/Driving licenses, Identity cards, and passports. Check here for more info
16. How does RETN Deal track my purchase?
Response: We have built in AI tracking. Whenever you click on a Store or a Coupon, our Cashback Engine starts tracking. Your purchase on any of the stores is tracked automatically. Just remember to go to your favorite store via RETN Deals. 
17. Where can I see all my Cashback details?
Response: Login to RETN deals and goto “My account” and click on payment history to check the Pending cashback and payment related information.
18. How long does it take to confirm a Cashback?
Response: Normally, the Tracking will be done within 12 hours. Confirmation comes from the store and varies from one store to another. Some stores that have a refund policy take even a month to send transaction confirmation.